Why advocate
for the arts?
The arts are more than entertainment; they are a vital part of Santa Clarita’s identity and economy. From enriching our schools to beautifying public spaces and attracting tourism, the arts strengthen community bonds and improve quality of life. Your voice matters in ensuring that the arts remain a priority in our city.
Use Your Voice
We believe that everyone has the power to champion the arts and help cultivate a thriving creative community. Whether you’re passionate about public art, performance spaces, or arts education, this toolkit aims guide and empower you to make a difference.
Advocacy Toolkit
1. Know the Arts Landscape
Familiarize yourself with local arts programs, organizations, and events.
Visit SantaClaritaArts.com and explore resources to learn about:
2. Engage with the Arts Commission
Email: artscommissioners@
The Arts Commission is a key advisory body that shapes arts policies and programs in Santa Clarita.
Attend commission meetings to stay informed and share your perspectives. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 1st floor of City Hall, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA.
3. Connect with City Council Members
Your City Council representatives need to hear how the arts impact you and your community.
Personal stories, data-driven insights, and clear calls to action are powerful tools for advocacy. The Santa Clarita City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, except for specific dates in July, August, and December. To share your thoughts on arts advocacy, fill out a speaker card before Public Participation begins—you’ll have three minutes to share about the arts or other important topics.
4. Build Community Support
Join forces with other arts advocates!
Attend local arts events, organize neighborhood gatherings to discuss arts initiatives, and use social media to amplify your message. Together, we can create a stronger voice for the arts.
Use your voice to influence decision-makers. A personalized letter can make a big impact.
Here’s a template to get started:
Dear [Commissioner/Councilmember Name],
As a resident of Santa Clarita, I am writing to express my support for increased investment in the arts. [Share your personal connection to the arts and why it matters to you]. I urge you to prioritize funding and policies that nurture our creative community. Thank you for your leadership and commitment to our city.
Sincerely, [Your Name]
Start a Letter-Writing Campaign

Join the movement to advocate for the arts by participating in the 'Arts for Santa Clarita Wear Red' campaign. Wearing red symbolizes unity and passion for the arts. Stand with fellow advocates in front of the City Council and Arts Commission to show your support for policies and funding that strengthen our creative communities.